Quick and easy way to save important health, public safety, and facilities contact information directly into your smart phone directory.
Simply text ‘yalesafe” to 505-544-4999. You will receive a text reply with the contact card. Open the card and save it to your phone. It’s that easy.
The Bulldog Safety Contact Card will contain information such as:
- Yale Police: (203) 432-4400
- Yale Security: (203) 785-5555
- Yale Health-Acute Care: (203) 432-0123
- Mental Health & Counseling: (203) 432-0290
- Share Center (Sexual Assault Res.): (203) 432-2000
- Walden (Peer Counseling): (203) 432-8255
- 2-Walk Escort-Safe Ride: (203) 432-9255
- Yale Facilities: (203) 432-6888