No lock works unless you lock it. Lock public doors or gates to your apartment building or office. Lock your doors when you leave your office or apartment. Lock your doors before you go to sleep. Always lock windows that are accessible from the outside.
Never leave a public door propped open, even for a friend. Leave spare keys with a trusted neighbor or friend, never hidden near your door.
Take precaution in safeguarding your valuables (including laptops, cell phones, and iPads). Do not leave valuables unsecured or unattended. Register your bikes and laptops. Write down the serial numbers of valuable items.
Keep house and car keys on separate key chains. When leaving your car for service or at a parking lot, leave only the car keys. Never attach your address to your keychain. Yale urges you never to attach your Yale ID tag to your keychain.
Identify visitors through a window or peephole before opening the door.
Request that service people show proper credentials before you let them in. If necessary, call the company to verify employment. Do not lend your keys or Yale ID tag to anyone.
If a stranger asks to use your telephone, politely refuse. Offer to call for assistance for them.
Do not walk alone at night. Remain aware of your surroundings. Use lighted pathways. When well-lit areas are not available, call 203-432-WALK (9255). A uniformed security officer will be dispatched to your location and escort you to your on-campus destination. You will recognize these officers by their green shirts, navy pants, prominent security labels, and an official security badge on the left side of their chest.
Sign up for the LiveSafe App. With Bulldog Mobile, you can use your cell phone as a personal security device to activate the GPS tracking technology and escort timer options.
Report any unusual or suspicious activity near your home, room, or around your neighbors’ homes or apartments to the police. Program the Yale Police phone number into your phone: 203-432-4400 or text 67283, type “yaletip” and add a space, after the space type a message, hit send. If you see something, say something.