Business Continuity for General Audiences

Although infrequent, disasters and emergencies of all types and severity can occur, often with little or no warning. Consider the following situations:

  • A fire breaks out in your office or an adjacent office, forcing you to evacuate the building…
  • A sprinkler head malfunctions and floods your office…
  • A blizzard paralyzes Connecticut, closing roads and highways for days…
  • A pandemic flu has sickened 50% of your staff…

While you cannot control when and where such events will occur, you can manage your ability to continue or quickly restore your operations through effective business continuity planning.

A Business Continuity Plan is different from an emergency plan. An emergency plan tells you what to do immediately before or during an emergency. A business continuity plan helps you minimize the impact on your business regardless of the incident and helps you return to normal operations as soon as possible.

The Guide to Business Continuity and Recovery Planning includes useful information and instructions on how to develop a business continuity plan for your department or unit. Download the Guide now and start developing your business continuity plan today.

Business Continuity Planning Guide
Business Continuity Planning Worksheets